Howard G. Hudson
Bronze Sculpture


• 1984 • Bronze • Patina – Green/Black • Height 8” Length 14” Width 10” • 27 lbs •

Series of 18

Price Upon Request

This feisty-looking shelled creature was molded and cast first at Joe Brown’s foundry outside Philadelphia, so she holds a special nostalgic place for me. 

Open Field

• 2009 • Bronze • Tint – Brown/bronze • Height 13”, Length 5”, Width 5” • 26 lbs.

Series of 12

Price upon request

Taken from a photograph of Emmett Smith, the all-world running back has just broken through the line and is creating difficulties for the defensive secondary.


• Height 14”, Length 18”, Width 10” • 45 lbs •

Series of 18

Price upon request

In truth, this gal started out as a dancer, but one of our carpenter crew knocked her over while renovating my studio, so now she is reclined and has wet hair. I figured that I had received a sign and a creative adjustment  was called for. 


• 2011 • Bronze • Patina – Black/Green • Height 14” Width and Depth 9” • 7 lbs •

Series of 18

Price Upon Request

Actually, it looks to be a fairly brisk onshore wind she has found after her morning swim.


• 2013 • Bronze • Patina – Red/Brown • Height 19” Width 9” Depth 12” • 25 lbs.

Series of 18

Price Upon Request

This renowned Apache drove his enemies, including the U.S. Cavalry, nuts for quite a long time in the latter half of the 19th century. A fierce warrior, he was as good with a knife as he was with the bow and rifle. 


•2017• Bronze • Patina – Green/Black • Height 18”, Width 8”, Depth 9″ • 15 lbs.

Series of 18

Price upon request

This mask reflects confusion. I find I am confused with increasing frequency…so here I am.

Highland Hammer

•2018 • Bronze • Patina – Gold/Brown • Height 31”, Width 16”, Depth 22″ • 86 lbs.

Series of 24

Price upon request

In the Scottish games, the hammer throw is performed a bit differently than it is done in Olympic and collegiate track competition. Rather than twirling, the Scots set their feet, often using spiked braces to hold them in place,  and swing the hammer around their head with their arms only. 

The Winner

• 2019 • Bronze • Tint – polished bronze • Height 6”, Depth 3”, Width  3” •  2 lbs •

Unlimited Series

Price upon request

Joe Brown used to advise his boxing classes “In order to hit someone, you have to get close enough to be hit yourself… so you’d better learn how to cover up”. Joe had a detached retina in his left eye, despite having been declared the winner in all ten of his professional fights. This painful truth for boxers was employed as the subject matter for several of his pieces, calling them “The Winner”. Having learned the lesson myself, I have borrowed his theme here.


• 2021 • Bronze • Patina – Hazel • Height 14” Width 8” Depth 8” 

Price Upon Request


This figure was done from a photograph of the professional golfer Natalie Gulbis, at the moment immediately following impact, as she drove the ball down the fairway. The term implies perfect execution and may have been uttered by her caddie. 

Current Events

• 2021 • Bronze • Patina – Brown • Height 23″ Width 9”, Depth 12”• 20 lbs.•

Series of 24

Price Upon Request

This piece considers the upside down state of present day affairs.         

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